
The typical usage workflow looks something like the following:

  1. Create an API token for either or Make sure you that you specify the ZENODO_URL which matches the account for which you created the token.

  2. Setup your metadata in a .json file, this is your DEPOSIT_METADATA

  3. Create a new version for your record i.e. ZENODO_TOKEN=TOKEN openscm-zenodo create-new-version DEPOSITION_ID DEPOSIT_METADATA --zenodo-url ZENODO_URL. Note the new version which is output by this program e.g. 739845

  4. Get the bucket (in which you’ll upload files) for your new version i.e. ZENODO_TOKEN=TOKEN openscm-zenodo get-bucket VERSION --zenodo-url ZENODO_URL. Note the bucket which is output by this program e.g. e428bd2f-84e5-49ae-84ed-f42da1b8e0da.

  5. Upload your file to the bucket e.g. openscm-zenodo upload FILE_TO_UPLOAD BUCKET --zenodo-url ZENODO_URL (or specify the root directory that you want to strip from the full filepath e.g. openscm-zenodo upload FILE_TO_UPLOAD BUCKET --root-dir /path/to/strip --zenodo-url ZENODO_URL)

  6. Go to zenodo and check your new record, the publishing step is performed manually via the Zenodo GUI